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夏济安在大陆从教时期,主要以最基础的英文教学为主。1945年秋,夏济安进入西南联合大学任教,所教授的就是大一英文。这门课一般由职级较低的教员讲授,属于基础性的教学工作。据《国立西南联合大学各院系必修选修课程表(1945年至1946年度)》可知,夏济安所教授的课程有三门:英文壹(作文)H组、英文壹(作文)L组、英文壹(读本)M组,与他同时教授大一英文课的还有杨周翰、卞之琳、钱学熙、王佐良、金隄等人。据夏济安自己所说,他所教的三门课中最成功的是读本课,全班几乎无人缺席,而两班作文课则只有二十人左右出席,有时则更少。他还谈到,“其实我教读本顶擅长,因讲解清楚,穿插丰富,颇易引人兴趣。作文则选材难,讲来又不免枯燥也”(《夏济安日记》,人民文学出版社,2011年,93页)。夏济安所使用的读本教材,正是由陈福田编的《大学一年级英文教本》(Freshman Readings in English)。该教本初版于1939年,对西南联大的青年学子确实影响颇大,但是,夏济安对该教本却意见颇多,不仅对教本所选的文章不满,而且还从中发现谬误若干,并草成《对陈福田〈大一英文教本〉附注的正误、补遗和质疑》一文。此文未曾刊出,也不知道夏济安有没有给陈福田本人看过,至少从新版来看,夏济安所提正误、补遗或质疑处,一仍其旧。或许夏济安本人出于种种考虑并未向陈福田提出,或许陈福田并不接受夏济安的意见,这些都已成了不复能解的历史之谜了。

如前所述,夏济安所提出的意见共十六处,分为正误、补遗和质疑三类。其中,第三、四、六处意见为“正误”,比如夏济安指出教本所引“Sweet day, so pure, so calm, so bright”一诗,so pure应为so cool,系出英国玄学派诗人George Herbert(乔治·赫伯特)的“Virtue”(《美德》)一诗。第五、九、十、十一、十三、十四、十五处为“质疑”,比如夏济安认为教本原注nonelect有误,引用了Keats(济慈)的“Lamia”(《拉弥亚》)诗句作对照,以增进理解。第一、二、七、八、十二、十六处意见为“补遗”,比如教本对Venus of Lucretius为何像“碧霞云”未作出注解,夏济安便引Lucretius(卢克莱修)的哲学长诗“De Rerum Natura”(《物性论》)作比较。从这些商榷意见可以看出,夏济安补充的注解“穿插丰富,引人兴趣”,他所涉猎的材料多,关联性强,引述了诸如济慈、莎士比亚、卢克莱修、华兹华斯、乔治·赫伯特、托马斯·古德温、W. H. 赫德孙等人的诗文词句,充分显示了夏济安对西洋文学的熟稔程度。不仅如此,凡是有疑惑的词汇,夏济安必查《牛津大字典》进行详细对照,其严谨程度亦可想而知。

1950年,夏济安流落香港时期,曾在草创阶段的新亚书院短暂任教。新亚书院所用的英文教材也使用了陈福田所编英文教本,夏济安对此颇有微词,总觉得里面所选的好文章太少,教起来不起劲,学生也难以得益(《夏济安夏志清书信集》第一卷,台北联经出版公司,2015年,344页)。1950年底,夏济安进入台湾大学任教,逐步开始教授“小说选读”“英国文学史”等课程,还在赵丽莲主编的《学生英文文摘》(Student English Digest)撰写评注专栏,每期选文一篇,如庖丁解牛般对文章的修辞、结构、背景等进行细致剖析,深受广大学生喜爱。在谈毛姆的《康德的日常生活》(Kant the Man)一文时,夏济安提及,“国内有几种英文选本都选用毛姆的《中国游记》(On a Chinese Screen)里的文章,其实他那本书里的文字,既不达,又不简,并不足以代表他的风格”(《现代英文选评注》,外语教学与研究出版社,2013年,195页)。在这里,他所指向的英文选本显然包括陈福田编《大学一年级英文教本》,教本中所选文章最多的就是毛姆,有三篇,即“The Beast of Burden”(《负重的牲口》)“The Song of The River”(《河之歌》)“The Philosopher”(《哲学家》),均选自其《中国游记》(又译《在中国的屏风上》)。







1.“to the Lady of the mountain, Pi Hsia-Yüen, who is at once the Venus of Lucretius—‘goddess of procreation, god as the clouds, blue as the sky,’one inscription calls her—etc.”(pp. 21-22,A Sacred Mountain, by G. Lowes Dickinson)

关于这一句,陈先生只给了一个注解:“Pi Hsia-yüen——碧霞云”(p. 250),可是Venus of Lucretius似乎也该说明一下。中国学生对于Venus都有些模糊的观念,但是他们大多不知道Venus是Aeneas的母亲,和罗马人是崇拜Venus的。关于罗马诗人Lucretius的年代等等,可得诸普通百科全书,这里不赘。至于Venus of Lucretius为何像“碧霞云”,这里可从Lucretius的长诗“De Rerum Natura”(“of the Nature of Things”,按:英译应为“On the Nature of Things”)中抄录一段,以资比较:

Mother of Rome, delight of gods and men,

Dear Venus that beneath the gliding stars

Makest to teem the many-voyaged main

And fruitful lands-for all of living things

Through thee alone are evermore conceived,

Through thee are risen to visit the great sun—

(W. E. Leonard英译,Everyman's Library版,p.3)

2. “Great god, I’d rather be(夏济安附注:此行不全,应往右移,此处排列法系照抄陈先生书。)

A pagan suckled in a creed outworn;

So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,

Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn”



 “The world is too much with us;late and soon.”

3. The Roman Empire(p.23)—(注)—established by Augustus(27 B.C.), divided by Theodosius (A.D.395) into western and eastern, Western down till 1806.

“Western down till 1806”非但文字欠妥,且与史实不符。西罗马帝国亡于476A.D.,1806年系Francis II辞神圣罗马帝国皇帝尊号之年,神圣罗马帝国(Holy Roman Empire)与罗马帝国不能混同。

4. decadent aesthetes(p.25)—(注)—lovers or appreciators of beauty who cling to theories that are declining or dying.(p.252)此注误。Decadent与theories无关,按《牛津大字典》(OED)解decadent曰:“decadent—said of a French school which affects to belong to an age of decadence in literature&art.”中文有“颓废文人”一语,“颓废”两字想即本此。

P.35  the sauce to meat is ceremony     p.258(按:手稿如此)

P.36  Mephistophelean eyebrow        p.259(按:手稿如此)

5.“I remember going to the British museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch——hay fever,I fancy it was.”(p.47. The Imaginary Invalid, by Jerome K. Jerome)

注:touch—twinge or light attack of fever(p.267). 按此处touch仅有“slight tinge or trace”之意,否则,“a light attack of fever of some ailment”不通。

6.“Sweet day, so pure, so calm, so bright,

The bridal of the Earth and Sky!”

(p.55. The Widow&Her Son, by Washington Irving)

此两行诗未注明出处。按出自George Herbert: Virtue一首,原诗“so pure”作“so cool”。

7.“I recalled the graceful antics of a couple of birds that the mythical Abel observed during his flight with Rima to the land of her birth.”(p.35. A Pair of Woodpeckers, Anonymous)

本文前面作者虽已说明方才在读Hudson之green mansions,且陈先生也已为Hudson与green mansions作注(p.258),但Abel与Rima为何人也应一注。按此处所指“antics of a couple of birds”见green mansions第十四章,Modern Library(旧式)本子pp.178-179。

8.“The third democracy to vindicate itself is our own during the last few weeks.”(p.75. The Strength of Democracy, by Walter Lippmann.)

此处陈先生仅有一注our own—Lippmann, an American, is here speaking of his own country, the United States of America. 其实此语包含史实甚多,宜详注。按1933年美国经济恐慌,罗斯福总统向国会提出紧急法案,予总统以处理大权,是为罗总统新政之始。Lippmann此处正叙述法英两国为何以权力集中政府,克服经济危机,美国亦为法办理,应加详细说明。

9.“Habit a second nature!……”

(p.107. Habit, by William James)

陈先生先解释nature,然后再说:“Hence, second nature means one's real nature, something that has become so much a part of the individual that he cannot escape from it.” (p.303) 既称second nature,自然并非real nature,“second nature means one's real nature”一语中后三字应删去。

10. Practical Joker(p.107)(注)—A practical joke is a joke put into practice…(中略)He who practices such witticisms is called a practical joker. (p.303)


11.“You sought innocent relaxation,but you are one of the nonelect and have gone to the place prepared for you.”(p.151. Every Man's Natural Desire to be Somebody Else, by S. M. Crothers)

注nonelect—nonchosen, that is, not belonging to the group that is up to date on the latest literary development.(p.321)


A doubtful tale from faery land(按:此句应为That is a doubtful tale from faery land)

Hard for the none-elect to understand

——Keats:Lamia II.5-6.

12.“Or he might be a saint—not a commonplace modern saint who does chores and attends tiresome committee meetings, but a saint such one reads about……”(p.152.课文同上)

(注)modern saint—is a modern man who has to work so hard to earn a living that he has become sanctified. (p.322.)

注解意义欠明,为何work hard即能成为saint?按OED解saint曰:“a person of extraordinary holiness of life, sometimes ironically, A person making an outward profession of piety.”

此讥讽意,殆即本文所用者。Do chores而 attends committee meetings者,大致即指社会上一般慈善家之流之人物。

13.“We have the authority of Benjamin Disraeli that royalty must be treated with abundant flattery. I seize my trowel.”(p.158. The Philosopher, by W. S. Maugham)

(注)trowel—weapon. The trowel is a bricklayer’s tool,used also as a gardening tool. (p.326) 此两句大可研究,Authority of Benjamin Disraeli无注。Disraeli为何许人,想易寻到。渠论flattery一语,系晚年对Matthew Arnold所说者:

“you have heard me called a flattery, and it is true. everyone like flattery, and, when you come to royalty, you should lay it on with a trowel.”

Life of Benjamin Disraeli, by G.E.Buckle

 Vol.vi, p.463. John Murray. London.1920

“Lay it on with a trowel”一成语自从莎士比亚在As You Like It 用过以后,

Celia—well said; that was laid on with a trowel.

(Act I.sc.ii)


14.“you cannot fence without an antagonist,nor challenge all comers in disputation before you have supported a thesis; and in like manner, it stands to reason, you cannot learn to converse till you have the world to converse with…”(P.186, What is a University, by John Henry Newman)

(注)fence—debate (p.341)


15. “…the periodical meetings…such as the British Association. Such gatherings would to many persons appear at first sight simply preposterous. Above all subjects of study science is conveyed, is propagated, by books, or by private teachings; …discoveries are made in solitude. what have philosophers to do with festive celebrities, and panegyrical solemnities with mathematical and physical truth?”(p.187.课文同上)

(注)panegyrical solemnities—a ceremony of praise. (p.341) “a ceremony of praise”一语意义不明。细看上下文,Newman似只讨论开会与科学研究之关系,并未涉及praise。何故忽来praise之意义?按panegyrical原出自希腊πανηγυρις一字,原有an assembly of the people,a high festival之意。今英文字典中于panegyrical下,仍有“of the nature of a general assembly”一废(obsolete)义,OED并引Thomas Goodwin之句如下:

“In the primitive church the persons of the bishops…were chosen by all the people, and by panegyrical meetings.”

此虽古义,然Newman实常用古字古义者,(其文中且多希腊字),此处仍以照古意讲为通。故panegyrical solemnities实即等于festive celebrities,Newman为行文求变化,与festive celebrities之后,故意又换一说法。

16. 陈书于廿八年二月初版,注解中关于人名数则,应参考最近材料而随时变动,惟查卅五年二月所出版之第十一版,材料仍旧,亟应更正。如Galsworthy(p.309),Hitler(p.333)均已死,Sir Samuel Hoare(p.335)已于1944年被封为Lord Templewood,现为上院议员。凡此均望陈先生于下次新版时更正。

夏济安手稿 (本文来自澎湃新闻,更多原创资讯请下载“澎湃新闻”APP)