
2024-10-29 15:14

- FORUM艺谈 -

作品相关图文由纽约卡斯明画廊,乔治 · 里基遗产与乔治 · 里基基金会提供

Courtesy Kasmin Gallery, New York; the George Rickey Estate and

the George Rickey Foundation

11.08 周五 | Friday

14:00 - 15:00


In Motion:The Art of George Rickey

艺术家乔治·里基(George Rickey, b. 1907- 2002)是20世纪最重要的动态艺术家之一,其作品被全球150多家博物馆收藏。由UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心旗下UCCA Lab策划的2024年中国·上海静安国际雕塑展(JISP)正在展出三件大型乔治·里基风动雕塑作品。这不仅是乔治·里基(George Rickey)的作品首次在中国公共户外空间展出,更是其创作生涯中的重要代表作,完美展现了他对自然风力和机械平衡的精妙把控。


展览现场 @ 2024中国·上海静安国际雕塑展

乔治·里基(George Rickey)的一生跨越多重文化与艺术领域,从美国到苏格兰的成长岁月,再到牛津与巴黎的求学之路,他始终将艺术探索融入自己的成长历程。即使在二战期间于美国陆军航空队服役时,里基对艺术的探究也从未停歇,将艺术与对机械和运动的观察研究相结合。这些丰富的经历最终塑造了他对艺术与机械运动的深刻理解。

此次讲座由UCCA Lab特别组织,邀请艺术家之子菲利普· 里基(Philip Rickey)首次在中国分享乔治·里基(George Rickey)的艺术生涯与人生旅程。在这次难得的机会中,他将带领我们回顾乔治· 里基从绘画创作到风动雕塑的转型历程,以及里基在雕塑和公共艺术领域留下的非凡贡献。

乔治·里基 George Rickey / United States

《四个L的离心II》Four Ls Excentric II

不锈钢 Stainless steel

538.5 × 210.8 cm


George Rickey (1907-2002, United States) is widely regarded as one of the most renowned kinetic artists of the 20th century, with his works featured in the permanent collections of over 150 museums worldwide. The 2024 China · Shanghai Jing'an International Sculpture Project (JISP), curated by UCCA Lab, is proudly presenting three monumental kinetic sculptures by Rickey at Shanghai's Jing'an Sculpture Park. This marks not only the first public outdoor exhibition of his works in China but also highlights key pieces from his artistic career, showcasing his mastery of balancing natural wind forces with mechanical precision.

乔治·里基 George Rickey / United States

《分合柱II》Breaking Column II

不锈钢 Stainless steel

Height: 574 cm


George Rickey's life spanned multiple cultures and artistic disciplines. Born in the US and raised in Scotland, Rickey incorporated artistic exploration into his studies at Oxford and Paris. Even during his time in the Army Air Corps during WWII, Rickey worked to expand his artistic knowledge, combining it with his observations and studies of mechanics and motion.

This lecture, specially curated by UCCA Lab, will feature Philip Rickey, the son of George Rickey, sharing insights into Rickey's artistic journey and life story for the first time in China. In this rare opportunity, Philip will guide us through Rickey's transition from painting to kinetic sculpture and highlight Rickey's lasting contributions to the fields of sculpture and public art.

乔治·里基 George Rickey / United States

《三个方块的回旋I》Three Squares Gyratory I

不锈钢 Stainless steel

442 × 426.7 cm



George Rickey’s first presentation in China features three monumental kinetic sculptures on view at Shanghai’s Jing’an Sculpture Park. Designed for the public sphere, Rickey’s poetic and precisely-calibrated works move with the wind, heightening elements of light, movement, color, and scale in the surrounding landscape. Last seen as installations along New York’s iconic Park Avenue Mall, these works are among Rickey’s most complex, playfully disrupting the static demeanor of geometric form. The discrete components of Breaking Column II (1989) fall apart and reassemble, while the elements of Four Ls Excentric II (1987-90) swing along a conical arc and those of Three Squares Gyratory I (1975) rotate 360°.

乔治 · 里基 与 菲利普 · 里基

George Rickey & Philip Rickey

嘉宾 & 主持 Speaker & Moderator

菲利普· 里基

Philip Rickey


President of George Rickey Estate

artnow FORUM艺谈 west bund voice 将于2024西岸艺博会期间西岸艺术中心A馆呈献,持续带来文化与艺术领域的深入讨论。

原标题:《artnow FORUM艺谈 west bund voice|风的轨迹:二十世纪动态雕塑大师乔治·里基的艺术》

