
2018-10-09 15:15

北京林业大学《森林生态系统(英文)》(Forest Ecosystems)主编、德国著名林学家Klaus v.Gadow教授9月26日接受了媒体专访。

Gadow认为,Forest Ecosystems这样的高水平国际期刊提升了北林的国际声誉,并将在全球森林生态系统的研究成果传播方面起非常重要的作用。


1) Forest Ecosystems作为一本高校创办的学术期刊在短短几年快速发展并跻身国际一流。您可否谈谈这是如何实现的呢?将来如何保持这一高水准并进一步提升?

Gadow: 首先,我要非常感谢北京林业大学尤其是北林期刊编辑部主任赵秀海教授给予我的信任。我还记得五年前,我和赵秀海教授在机场时,他告诉我他接手期刊编辑部并要大力发展这一国际性的期刊,问我能否提供帮助。我非常高兴尽我所能。第一步,我们查阅了目前所有林学类期刊的名称,并确定了本刊新的刊名,即Forest Ecosystems。对一份国际期刊来说,刊名尤其重要,它必须面向该领域多数读者。


2)Forest Ecosystems杂志是依托北京林业大学“林学”优势学科所创办的学术期刊,随着杂志办刊水平和国际影响力的提升,它将对北林大一流学科建设和人才培养起到什么样的作用?


3)当前人类的生态安全问题受到了空前重视,森林生态系统作为最重要的自然生态系统,当然也受到了前所未有的特别关注。您能否从人类的生存与发展,谈一谈Forest Ecosystems未来的蓝图和规划?

Gadow:我想,从事森林生态系统的工作者对此问题会有各种不同的想法。森林覆盖着全球30%的陆地面积,是世界上最为重要的生态系统,向人类提供了多种产品和服务,比如木材产品用于建筑和薪材等用途;同时,森林还提供很多非木材类的林产品。举个例子,我们带国际学者在吉林蛟河考察时发现,我们晚餐桌上很多菜肴都来自那里的森林,包括很多种蘑菇和蔬菜,那些叫得上名的以及专业人员也叫不上名的,种类繁多。前去考察的学者们甚至表示要准备一篇关于森林提供非木材产品的稿件,一位俄罗斯女士说这是个特别好的注意,并愿意提供俄罗斯在这方面的相关材料。你所提的问题确实很重要,像Forest Ecosystems这样的国际期刊将会在全球森林生态系统的研究成果传播方面起非常重要的作用。谢谢。

Gadow 英文文本

1)As a scientific journal published by a university, “Forest Ecosystems” has grown rapidly during the past five years. In your opinion, how can the high standard be maintained, or perhaps even improved, in the future?

Gadow: From the outset, I would like to say many thanks to the Beijing Forestry University and especially to Professor Zhao Xiuhai who trusts me with this job, and I still remember we were at the Beijing Airport and he asked me: “I have been given the job to develop a new international journal, would you like to help me?”That was five years ago, and I was happy enough to do this and the first decision that we have to take was the (journal) title. The title (is) very very important for a journal and we decided the title should be Forest Ecosystems which is a very general title, but we have to check whether the title was already given. So, come back to your question, I think there are four ingredients to make a journal so successful. In the first place, it was a great surprise for us to have achieved after four years only this great success. And it is due mainly to good leadership. We have a very excellent leader, Prof. Zhao Xiuhai. It is also due to a good team. We have a very capable team. Dr. Li Hui and Huang Zhen are helping me in managing this journal. And it is also (an) important decision that we took at the beginning was to have an Open Access journal, not a print journal, but an Open Access journal, and Open Access means that people everywhere in the world can download our manuscripts and that means we get more citations if we have an Open Access journal. Also, Open Access means a service to underprivileged regions. “Underprivileged”means there are many regions in the world where young scientists do not have access to library, so they can download from the internet our manuscripts. Open Access means we are doing a great service to some regions of the world and also means that we get (a) higher rate of citations.

2) The journal “Forest Ecosystems” was launched by Beijing Forestry University. Can you talk about the benefits to the Beijing Forestry University of maintaining such a journal ?

Gadow: Well, there are many benefits to the university of course. One is (what) we call in English you have the word “reputation”. It is more than an image, because in the mind of people, they carry some ideas about the university and at every download of the manuscripts, people see the Beijing Forestry University logo, so this is a wonderful platform to increase the image and the reputation of the university, and if a university has a high reputation, people would like to be associated with this university. Scholars would like to come here and work with their colleagues at this university, and students who are looking for university will come to your university with a higher reputation because they like to be associated with it. So, I think there are many many benefits. Other benefits of course are derived from our workshops. The Beijing Forestry University very generously supports us in organizing two workshops each a year as spring workshop and autumn workshop, and during these workshops we have about a dozen of foreign experts that come here. They work with the students, they talk to their colleagues, they give lectures and workshops of their own, and we take them to the field to see the wonderful network of forest plots established by Beijing Forestry University and especially by Prof. Zhao Xiuhai, So there are many many benefits of establishing a journal and a general international platform for the dissemination of research results for the university.

3) Nowadays, the security of human livelihood is receiving unprecedented attention. How important are Forest ecosystems for the survival and well-being of humans ?

Gadow: Well, people working in the science of forest ecosystems, they have many many answers to your question. A simple number would be that thirty percent of our land surface area of the Earth is covered by forests. They are considered by many to be the most important natural ecosystem in this world. And there are products and services. Normally we talk about products, like timber products or wood products, timber for construction and house fueling, and woods for firewood and huge areas in Africa for example wood for burning is very very important and wood is derived from the forest. But there are many non-wood forest products. In the Jiaohe (in Jilin), the other day we took about a dozen of international scholars to Jiaohe, and they were having dinner, and at dinner time, everything that we ate was from the forest. There are some foods from the forest that we perhaps not mention them here, but most of them are mushrooms and vegetables or different kinds of herbs. The local people knew their local names, but the botanical names of these different vegetables were not known even by the scientists who attended our dinner. And there was a talk that we should prepare a manuscript about the forest delivering non-forest products especially the foods and dishes. There was a Russian lady who said, this a wonderful idea, we will do this and we will provide some information from Russia. So your question, I think it is a very important question, and the journal like Forest Ecosystems that can help to disseminate knowledge about this important ecosystem like ours has a very important role to play. Thank you!
