原创 刘全慧 返朴
编译 | 刘全慧(理论物理博士,湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院教授)
By the beginning of the 20th century, there were many people who try to axiomatize thermodynamics. 我认为it’s not a very useful thing. Physics is about reality, and reality is very complicated. It’s not like Euclidian geometry you can axiomatize. If you want really to be absolutely logical, you have to state many many things before you can be completely sure. So the idea axiomatizing physics, in my opinion, is a useless thing. The reason there were discussions of axiomatizing thermodynamics was because, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in mathematics, through, especially, the leadership of the great mathematician Hilbert, there was an idea to axiomatize mathematics in his 23 problems. Hilbert in the year 1900 gave a famous speech about 23 important problems in mathematics, and that caused the tremendous influence on 20th century mathematics. One of these 23 was to axiomatize physics, in my opinion, that is not the right direction. Around 1930 there was a young mathematician named Gödel who showed that the whole idea of axiomatizing the whole mathematics is not quite right thing to do, that's a great development in mathematics, in mathematical logic and in philosophy. Then without having achieved the axiomatization of physics, they lost of interest about this Hilbert problem until the 1950s. In the 1950s elementary particle physics entered into a period of searching for the future, some people, especially many people in Germany, in some senses were reviving this idea of axiomatizing physics, and that was picked up by a number of people over the world. So it became a field called the axiomatic field theory, but by the 1970s that died again. It's today such kind of effort in such a direction is not considered to be a useful way to push physics forward. So we are trying to be physicists and not logicians in discussing physics.
[1] 清华大学普通物理 (杨振宁先生主讲,共30讲) - 第二十三讲