GSIS特邀论文 | 嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号月球车任务的地理空间技术

2020-12-17 16:19

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为此,GSIS特邀中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所邸凯昌研究员撰写论文Geospatial technologies for Chang’e-3 and Chang’e-4 lunar rover missions,介绍了嫦娥四号月球探测器的研制和应用情况。包括利用摄影测量测绘技术生成的具有米级分辨率的着陆场地形产品,和着陆后实时生成厘米级分辨率的地形产品等。





Di, Kaichang,Liu, Zhaoqin,Wan, Wenhui,Peng, Man,Liu, Bin,Wang, Yexin,Gou, Sheng,Yue, Zongyu (2020) Geospatial technologies for Chang’e-3 and Chang’e-4 lunar rover missions, Geo-spatial Information Science, 23:1, doi: 10.1080/10095020.2020.1718002







邸凯昌 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)教授。他的研究兴趣包括行星摄影测量和遥感、视觉定位和导航以及行星科学。他是国际摄影测量和遥感学会委员会间第三/第二工作组“行星遥感和制图”的现任主席。

Kaichang Di is a professor at Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include planetary photogrammetry and remote sensing, visual localization and navigation, and planetary science. He is currently the chair of Inter-Commission Working Group III/II “Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping” of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

刘召芹 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)副教授。研究方向为行星制图和行星GIS。

Zhaoqin Liu is an associate professor at RADI. His research interests include planetary mapping, and planetary GIS.

万文辉 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)助理教授。研究方向为视觉定位与机器人导航。

Wenhui Wan is an assistant professor at RADI. His research interests include visual localization and robot navigation,

彭嫚 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)副教授。研究方向为行星摄影测量和地形分析。

Man Peng is an associate professor at RADI. Her research interests include planetary photogrammetry, and topographic analysis.

刘斌 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)副教授。研究方向为轨道影像的几何建模和高精度地形测绘。

Bin Liu is an associate professor at RADI. His research interests include geometric modeling orbital imagery, and high-precision topographic mapping.

王晔昕 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)副教授。研究方向为行星制图和目标识别。

Yexin Wang is an associate professor at RADI. Her research interests include planetary mapping and target recognition.

芶盛 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)助理教授。研究方向为利用高光谱数据对行星矿物进行反演以及行星地质学。

Sheng Gou is an assistant professor at RADI. His research interests include planetary mineral retrieval using hyperspectral data, and planetary geology.

岳宗玉 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所(RADI)教授。研究方向为行星遥感和行星科学。

Zongyu Yue is a professor at RADI. His research interests include planetary remote sensing and planetary science.



Chang’e-3 (CE-3) probe, including a lander and a rover, successfully landed in northern Mare Imbrium of the moon on 14 December 2013 The Yutu (Jade Rabbit) rover was released to the lunar surface and began surface exploration on December 15.


The success of CE-4 marks the first soft landing of human spacecraft on the far side of the moon and provides a unique opportunity for in-situ exploration of the SPA basin which is the oldest and largest impact basin on the moon.


In CE-3 and CE-4 lunar rover missions, geospatial technologies were extensively used to support various scientific studies of the landing sites, and to support mission operations such as topographic mapping, hazard detection, path planning, rover localization and navigation, etc.


In the two rover missions, local DEM and DOM with 0.02-m resolution were automatically produced in near real-time at each waypoint along the rover traverse using Navcam images. These maps were essential to support hazard analysis and rover path planning.


Pancam stereo images were acquired at some locations along the rover traverse for scientific investigation of the site, e.g. surface feature analysis and science target selection. The rover took 56 pairs of images with 28 different azimuth angles and 2 elevation angles to form a 360° panorama at one location.

“ 根据Pancam立体图像自动生成三个位置处的三个DEM(0.05网格间距),然后根据视觉定位技术确定的月球车精确位置合并为一个更大的DEM(380×390 m)。图9和图10显示,在更精细的分辨率下,CE-4着陆场的地形崎岖不平,通常东北部高于西南部。该DEM有助于研究冯卡曼陨石坑的地形演化(Di et al.2019b),这对于理解玉兔2月球车测量的地表物质来源具有重要意义(Li et al.2019;Gou et al.2019)。

Three DEMs (0.05-grid spacing) at the three locations were automatically generated from the Pancam stereo images and then were merged into a larger DEM (380 × 390 m) based on accurate locations of the rover determined by the visual localization technique (see section 4.2). Figure 10 shows the merged DEM overlaid on the LROC NAC DOM. Figures 9 and 10 reveal that in finer resolution the terrain of CE-4 landing site is much rugged and is generally higher in the NE than in the SW. This DEM contributed to the study of the topographic evolution of Von Kármán crater (Di et al. 2019b), which is significant to understanding the origin of the surface material measured by Yuyu-2 rover (Li et al. 2019; Gou et al. 2019).

“ CE-3和CE-4着陆器的位置是由无线电跟踪技术初步确定的。为了提高定位精度,着陆器在着陆后立即使用视觉定位技术进行定位。

The locations of CE-3 and CE-4 landers were initially determined by the radio-tracking technique. To improve the positioning accuracy, lander localization was performed in each mission using visual positioning techniques immediately after landing.


Localization of the rover with high accuracy is important for rover path planning and approaching science targets. The onboard dead-reckoning system, including wheel odometer and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), provides the initial locations of the rover along the traverse in real time. To reduce the localization error caused by wheel slippage and IMU drift, visual positioning techniques, namely cross-site visual localization and DOM matching, have been routinely applied to localize the rover with high accuracy using the Navcam images.


The major purpose of this GIS-based software system is to make and release standardized maps using multiple source data acquired or derived before and during the rover missions. It has three modules: (1) multi-source data integration, (2) data processing and analysis, and (3) cartographic product generation.



Future lunar and Mars rover missions may require landing in more challenging terrain, traversing longer distance within one navigation unit, acquiring more scientific data with a certain level of autonomy, etc.

To meet such new requirements, the relevant geospatial technologies need to be expended and new technologies need to be developed not only to improve accuracy, robustness, and on-board real-time processing capability but also to increase the intelligence of the rover.


Figure 1. Photos of the CE-3 and CE-4 rovers on the lunar surface taken by the landers.


图3显示了由NAOC小组0236号轨道的1.5 m分辨率CE-2立体图像生成的CE-3着陆场的4 m分辨率DEM和1.5 m分辨率的DOM。地图在墨卡托投影中绘制;高程值与半径为1737.4 km的参考球体有关,红旗表示CE-3着陆器的位置。

图4显示了CE-4着陆场和周围区域的图像和地形。预选着陆点(图4右下角白框)位于冯卡曼陨石坑东南部,覆盖范围为(176.4°E~178.8°E,45.0°S~46.0°S),约52 km×30 km。CE-2dom和LROC-WAC镶嵌体的分辨率分别为7m和100m。SLDEM2005在该区域的分辨率约为42m;着陆场区域在该尺度上通常是平坦的。

Figure 5. LROC NAC DOM mosaic of CE-4 landing site with a resolution of 0.9 m (Liu, Di, Li 2019).

Figure 6. CE-3 landing site DEM and DOM (0.05-m resolution) generated from descent images (Liu, Di, and Peng 2015).

Figure 7. CE-4 landing site DOM (0.03-m resolution) generated from descent images (Di, Liu, and Liu 2019c).

图8显示了CE-3着陆器位置的DEM和DOM,以及进一步导出的坡度图和障碍物图。在制作坡度图时,将DEM下采样至0.2 m分辨率,并通过3×3单元邻域z值的局部平面拟合获得坡度值;随后考虑坡度和高差约束,生成障碍物地图(Liu,Di,Peng 2015)。

Figure 9. The 360° Pancam image mosaics generated from left-eye images taken by Yutu-2 rover at three locations.

Figure 10. DEM of CE-4 landing site derived from Pancam images taken at three locations (black dots)

Figure 11. Yutu rover traverse map.

Figure 12. Main interface of the digital cartography system for supporting rover teleoperation.


感谢北京航天控制中心在嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号飞行任务期间给予的支持和密切合作。感谢中国国家航天局提供嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号数据,感谢国家天文台月球与深空探测科学应用中心提供嫦娥二号DOM和DEM。我们也要感谢那些在行星数据系统档案中工作的人,感谢他们提供了LROC图像和SLDEM2015,感谢亚利桑那州立大学提供了LROC WAC镶嵌图。


原标题:《GSIS特邀论文 | 嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号月球车任务的地理空间技术》

