【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语④

以下文章来源于CCPR城市规划英文版 ,作者CCPR


China City Planning Review (《城市规划(英文版)》)创刊于1985年,为中国城市规划学会会刊,国内城市规划领域唯一全英文期刊,致力于向国外读者介绍国内本领域最新学术研究成果。


由中国城市规划学会主办的《China City Planning Review》(CCPR),中文刊名《城市规划(英文版)》,是EBSCO 收录期刊、CSCD 核心库收录期刊、CNKI 全文收录期刊、ProQuest 收录期刊。“中国城市规划”联手“ CCPR”为读者打造双语专栏,拓宽内容广度。




Today we will introduce certain terms on the themes of "Belt & Road Initiative" and "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", which are also the themes of our published issues. And if you are interested in the papers on these two themes, please leave your message.


The Silk Road (丝绸之路)

Broadly speaking, this term refers to both the land Silk Road and the maritime Silk Road. The land Silk Road was formed during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC – 200 AD), starting from Chang’an (now Xi’an), passing through today’s Gansu Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and then Central and Western Asia, and connecting the Mediterranean countries. Its original function was to transport the silk produced in ancient China to the West, which later turned to the exchange between China and the West in a broader sense, such as economy, trade, technology, religion, and culture. The maritime Silk Road is a maritime route for communication, trade, and cultural exchanges between ancient China and the countries surrounding the South China Sea. It was formed in the Qin and Han dynasties (221 BC – 200 AD) and flourished since the Tang and Song dynasties (618 – 1279). In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed successively the cooperation initiatives of building “the Silk Road Economic Belt” and “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,” as the inheritance and development of the ancient Silk Roads. Known later as the “Belt and Road Initiative,” it is the most important national strategy of China to actively develop economic, social, and cultural cooperative partnership with the countries along the Belt and Road.


The Ancient Tea-Horse Road (茶马古道)

It refers to the ancient road network for tea-horse trade in the frontier area of Southwest China. It rose up in the Tang and Song dynasties (618 – 1279), flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368 – 1912), and peaked in the middle and late period of World War II. It is a non-governmental international trade channel with caravan as the main means of transportation, a corridor not only for economic and cultural exchanges among ethnic groups in Southwest China, but also connecting Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and West Asia, as far as Europe, exerting far-reaching influences in social, economic and cultural exchanges up to now. In 2011, it was listed as a national key cultural relics protection site, which marked the beginning of protection and utilization.


A 15-Min Pedestrian Neighborhood (十五分钟生活圈居住区)

As a new concept proposed in the Standard for Urban Residential Area Planning and Design (GB50180-2018), it refers to a residential area in which the residents can acquire physical and cultural community services and facilities within 15-minute walk distance. Generally the neighborhood is encircled by urban arterials or block boundaries, with a resident population of 50,000–100,000 (about 17,000–32,000 dwellings). There are well-equipped facilities in the neighborhood, including cultural activity center, community service center, and sub-district office.


Territorial and Spatial Planning (国土空间规划)

Following China’s decision on restructuring the State Council’s departments in 2018, the Notice on Comprehensively Conducting the Work of Territorial and Spatial Planning issued in 2019 requires to establish a new territorial and spatial planning system to integrate the key functional zones planning, land use planning, and urban and rural planning. Being a system of “five levels and three categories,” it should be the guideline for national spatial development, the spatial blueprint for sustainable development, and the fundamental basis for various development, conservation, and construction activities. The “five levels” refer to the five levels of China’s administrative management system, i.e., the national, provincial, municipal, county, and township levels. “Three categories” refer to the three types of planning, i.e., master planning, detailed planning, and special planning.


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China City Planning Review (《城市规划(英文版)》)创刊于1985年,为中国城市规划学会会刊。国内城市规划领域唯一全英文期刊,致力于向国外读者介绍国内本领域最新学术研究成果。




【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语②


【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语


【CCPR专栏】Open Access | 向神而居——曼荼罗对西巴寺周边地区藏族聚落景观空间格局的影响研究


原标题:《【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语④》