
澎湃新闻记者 林夏
2017-10-11 12:08

当地时间10月10日,美国历史学会(American Historical Association)公布了2017年度获奖名单,各奖项将于2018年1月4-7日在华盛顿举行的第132届美国历史学会年会上颁出。国内学术界关注的费正清奖(The John K. Fairbank Prize),本年度由加拿大魁北克大学历史系教授Christopher Goscha的新书《新越南史》(Vietnam: A New History)获得。历史学家终生成就奖的两位获得者为耶鲁大学教授约翰·梅里曼(John Merriman)和宾夕法尼亚大学教授理查德·邓恩(Richard S. Dunn),前者专治法国和现代欧洲史,耶鲁公开课“1871年后的法国”即由他讲授,后者同样致力于欧洲史研究,由其著写的《现代欧洲史:宗教战争的年代(1559-1715)》去年底由中信出版社出版中文译本。

此外,2017年度的约翰·E·奥康纳电影奖(The John E. O’Connor Film Award),获奖影片是《琼斯的自由国度》(2016)和纪录片《我不是黑奴》(I Am Not Your Negro)(2016)。以下是今年的获奖名单。


赫伯特·巴克斯特·亚当斯奖(The Herbert Baxter Adams Prize):1815年以前的欧洲史

Max Bergholz (Concordia Univ.) for Violence as a Generative Force: Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community (Cornell Univ. Press, 2016)

乔治·路易斯·比尔奖(The George Louis Beer Prize):1895年以后的欧洲国际史

Erik Linstrum (Univ. of Virginia) for Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire (Harvard Univ. Press, 2016)

杰里·本特利奖(The Jerry Bentley Prize):世界史

Jeffrey James Byrne (Univ. of British Columbia) for Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization, and the Third World Order (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

阿伯特·J.贝弗里奇奖(The Albert J. Beveridge Award):哥伦布大发现(1492)之后的美洲史

David A. Chang (Univ. of Minnesota) for The World and All the Things upon It: Native Hawaiian Geographies of Exploration (Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2016)

詹姆斯·亨利·布雷斯特奖(The James Henry Breasted Prize):公元1000年以前的历史

Alain Bresson (Univ. of Chicago) and Steven Rendall, trans. (freelance) for The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States (Princeton Univ. Press, 2016)

雷蒙德 J. 坎宁安奖(The Raymond J. Cunningham Prize):本科生优秀论文奖(发表在历史学院杂志)

Maxwell Ulin (Yale Univ., BA 2017), faculty advisor: Glenda Gilmore (Yale Univ.), for “Dixie Turns Within: The United Nations and the Fall of Southern Internationalism,” Yale Historical Review (Spring 2016)

约翰·H·邓宁奖(The John H. Dunning Prize):美国历史

Matthew Karp (Princeton Univ.) for This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy (Harvard Univ. Press, 2016)

费正清奖(The John K. Fairbank Prize):19世纪以后的东亚史

Christopher Goscha (Univ. du Québec à Montréal) for Vietnam: A New History (Basic Books, 2016)

莫里斯 D. 福克奇奖(The Morris D. Forkosch Prize):玫瑰战争(1485)以后的英国史

Laura A. M. Stewart (Univ. of York, UK) for Rethinking the Scottish Revolution: Covenanted Scotland, 1637–1651 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

里欧·格什奖(The Leo Gershoy Award):17-18世纪的西欧史

Renaud Morieux (Univ. of Cambridge) for The Channel: England, France, and the Construction of a Maritime Border in the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016)

威廉姆&埃德温纳·吉尔伯特奖(The William and Edwyna Gilbert Award):历史教学优秀论文奖

Laura K. Muñoz (Texas A&M Univ.-Corpus Christi) for “Civil Rights, Educational Inequality, and Transnational Takes on the US History Survey,” History of Education Quarterly 56, no. 1 (February 2016)

J.富兰克林·詹姆逊奖(The J. Franklin Jameson Award):基础史料编纂(the editing of primary sources)

The late Karsten Friis-Jensen, ed., and Peter Fisher, trans., for Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum: The History of the Danes, 2 vols. (Oxford Univ. Press, 2015)

弗里德里希·卡茨奖(The Friedrich Katz Prize):拉美和加勒比历史

Jane E. Mangan (Davidson Coll.) for Transatlantic Obligations: Creating the Bonds of Family in Conquest-Era Peru and Spain (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

琼·凯利纪念奖(The Joan Kelly Memorial Prize):女性史(女性主义理论)

Sarah Haley (UCLA) for No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2016)

马丁A. 克莱因奖(The Martin A. Klein Prize):非洲史研究

Mustafah Dhada (California State Univ., Bakersfield) for The Portuguese Massacre of Wiriyamu in Colonial Mozambique, 1964–2013 (Bloomsbury, 2016)

利特尔顿-格里斯沃尔德奖(The Littleton-Griswold Prize):美国法律与社会

Risa Goluboff (Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Law) for Vagrant Nation: Police Power, Constitutional Change, and the Making of the 1960s (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

J. 拉塞尔·梅杰奖(The J. Russell Major Prize):法国史

Rafe Blaufarb (Florida State Univ.) for The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

海伦&霍华德·R.毛瑞欧奖(The Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize):意大利历史研究和意美关系研究

Paul Garfinkel (Simon Fraser Univ.) for Criminal Law in Liberal and Fascist Italy (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016)

乔治L.莫斯奖(The George L. Mosse Prize):16世纪以来的欧洲思想文化史

James T. Kloppenberg (Harvard Univ.) for Toward Democracy: The Struggle for Self-Rule in European and American Thought (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

约翰·E·奥康纳电影奖(The John E. O’Connor Film Award):历史题材影视(outstanding interpretations of history through film)

Documentary: I Am Not Your Negro, Raoul Peck, director; Rémi Grellety and Hébert Peck, producers (Velvet Film, 2016)

Dramatic Feature: Free State of Jones, Gary Ross, director; Jon Kilik and Scott Stuber, producers (Bluegrass Films, Larger Than Life Productions, Route One Entertainment, and Vendian Entertainment, 2016)

优吉尼娅M. 帕梅西亚诺(The Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize):新闻史

Amelia Bonea (Univ. of Oxford) for The News of Empire: Telegraphy, Journalism, and the Politics of Reporting in Colonial India, c. 1830–1900 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016)

詹姆斯A. 罗利奖(The James A. Rawley Prize):20世纪以前大西洋世界的融合

David Wheat (Michigan State Univ.) for Atlantic Africa and the Spanish Caribbean, 1570–1640 (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2016)

约翰F. 理查德兹奖(The John F. Richards Prize):南亚史

Audrey Truschke (Rutgers Univ.) for Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court (Columbia Univ. Press, 2016)

多罗西·罗森伯格奖(The Dorothy Rosenberg Prize):犹太侨民史

Roger Horowitz (Hagley Library/Univ. of Delaware) for Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food (Columbia Univ. Press, 2016)

罗伊·罗森茨威格奖(The Roy Rosenzweig Prize):免费提供新媒体项目的数字化历史(Innovation in Digital History to a freely available new media project)

Keisha N. Blain (Univ. of Pittsburgh) and Ibram X. Kendi (American Univ.) for Black Perspectives (African American Intellectual History Society)

韦斯利-洛根奖(The Wesley-Logan Prize):非洲侨民史

Sowande’ M. Mustakeem (Washington Univ. in St. Louis) for Slavery at Sea: Terror, Sex, and Sickness in the Middle Passage (Univ. of Illinois Press, 2016)


尤金·阿谢尔杰出教学奖(The Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award):高校历史教学优秀奖

Laura M. Westhoff (Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis)


Gustavo Carrera (Buckingham Browne and Nichols Sch.)

公平奖(Equity Awards):奖励在招募少数种族成员进入历史专业方面做出重大贡献的个人或机构

Lorena Oropeza (Univ. of California, Davis)

赫伯特·费斯奖(The Herbert Feis Award):公众历史杰出贡献奖

Lonnie G. Bunch III (Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture)

南希·莱曼·罗科优秀导师奖(The Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award):奖励大力提携后进、培育学术新秀的历史教师

Kelsey Kauffman (Former Higher Education Program, Indiana Women’s Prison)


Patrick Fridenson (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociale)


Richard S. Dunn (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

John Merriman (Yale Univ.)
